Annual Reports

Click on any of the links below to view our Annual Reports, which include our Audited Financial Reports.

Policies, Procedures & Constitution

Neuromuscular WA is committed to providing services in a manner which adopts the highest ethical standards and acts with complete integrity. The primary function of the Board in accordance with our Constitution, is to provide corporate and strategic governance and oversight of management. As well as having the ultimate responsibility for the operations of the organisation, the Board must be aware of, and have due respect to, their obligations as a matter of general law or as a result of particular obligations imposed under relevant legislation including the Associations Incorporation Act and relating to work health and safety. 

As an organisation we are committed to continuous improvement practices, ensuring they are incorporated as part of our Quality Management Systems. In line with this, we provide transparent and accessible policies and procedures for all Staff, Board Members, Volunteers and Community Members to inform, help mitigate risk, resolve grievances, comply with regulations and provide a safe and effective workplace for all at Neuromuscular WA.

All our policies, procedures, systems and processes are prioritised by the Board and management and updated in line with their risk rating. During the review process, all policies are considered by Management and feedback offered to the Finance and Risk Committee (FRC). The FRC make recommendation to the Board who then approve these at regular Board meetings in line with the Policies & Compliance Review Framework and Annual Board Schedule.

Below is a link to the key policies and procedures that should be appropriately available to all members and public who access our services.